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About Me

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday Made It {and Winners Announced}

It wouldn't be Monday Tuesday without a Monday Made It!

I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics.

I have been so inspired by all the talent and creativity I have seen this summer.

This week I worked on a few simple Pinterest inspired projects.

First up, my notebooks:

I plan to have the kids keep their math notes and vocabulary as well as foldables we create all inside this notebook.

I used composition books that I purchase at Big Lots (they are less stiff). I hot glued ribbon to the back cover for an instant bookmark. I used ribbon bought at the Dollar Tree and cut it into 8 in. strips. Finally, I glued an envelope to the back cover (also a Dollar Tree purchase). The envelope will house any items that are not made in the notebook (example index cards).

Next up:

I made these birthday balloons. I cannot remember who I got the template from :0(

(If you know, send me a message so I can include it in this post.)

I bought giant Pixie sticks from Dollar General.
I copied the birthday balloons onto colored card stock after shrinking the image a bit. My room has a mostly green and brown color scheme with accents of yellow and blue, so I went with the yellow and green card stock (purchased from Walmart).
I hot glued the balloons onto the Pixie sticks and arranged them in an empty jar I had. I hot glued a ribbon around the jar and an extra birthday balloon for decoration.

I hope the kids like their birthday treat!

For my grade level teamies - I assembled these:

Finally the hubs and I made these:

I was so excited about this project!

I purchased 3 crates at Walmart for under $4 each. I headed over to JoAnn fabrics and purchased foam and fabric. I spent around $25 total there. Then my husband and I went to Lowes for the plywood with crate in hand. He was not sure about how this whole thing was going to work, but I reassured him that I saw plenty of blogs about it and I even saw it on Pinterest! {still not sure he was convinced at this point}

Since I was only making 3 crates, we didn't need those big pieces of plywood, which would result in tons of leftovers. So...we found smaller pieces along the wall thanks to the friendly, helpful associates. These pieces resulted in the perfect size for my little project. An associate cut my chosen plywood piece into 3 rectangles that perfectly fit into my crates! I had very little left over waste, so that was great! The price for the sheet of plywood was $14.

The final step was to assemble it all! My husband was all into helping - yeah!
We laid the plywood pieces over the foam and cut. I had enough foam to use two pieces per crate resulting in added comfort! We then laid the foam and wood over the fabric (upside down) and cut the fabric, leaving enough around the edges to wrap and staple.

The final product is sturdy enough for me to sit on and for a 5 year old to stand on and jump (as I frantically yell at her to stop)!

Total for the crate project = $50
The experience of making them = priceless

NOW for the giveaway winners!!

Drumroll please...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to everyone for entering and for being a follower!
I can't wait until I hit 200 followers - I have an idea for a spectacular giveaway!

Friday, July 27, 2012

ABC's of ME

I have NO idea what happen to my banner that my title used to be in up there - it disappeared - bummer :0(

Today I am linky up with Amy at Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons

I loved how Teri at A Cupcake for the Teacher used the ABC's to tell more about herself.

So...I am stealing borrowing the idea!

A- Age - 30 something

B - Bed size - King {But I still sleep clung to the side of the bed - it's hard to get through a night without 1-3 children, or a pet}

C - Car - Just bought a new Honda Pilot Touring - love it!!!

D - Dogs or cats - ugh - I have two of each!

E - Essential to start your day - iPhone & caffeine {in the form of a diet coke}

F - Favorite color - Black - it is so basic and goes with everything!

G - Gold or silver - Both would be my answer. Lately, however, I wear a lot of gold!

H - Height - 5'1"

I - Ice cream - Ice cream is not my favorite dessert, but I do like Wendy's Frosties and a Mint Chocolate Milk Shake from DQ

J - Job title - 3rd Grade Teacher

K - Kids - 3 {2 boys and 1 girl}

L - Live - North Carolina {NOT native}

M - Magic Kingdom - We heart Disney World!!

N - Nickname - Angie - real name is Angela

O - Only child, I have no siblings :0(

P - Pet peeves - Drivers who leave their blinkers on!!!

Q - Quote from a movie - "Just keep swimming; just keep swimming" {can you name that tune/quote?}

R - Right or lefty - Righty.

S - Favorite season - Fall - I love the colors, temperature, football, and campfires. Plus 4 out of the five of us in my little family have fall birthdays!

T - TV - I LOVE television. My favorite shows: Bachelorette, House Hunters, Amazing Race, Design Star, NY Med (new) and On the Fly (new)

U - Unknown fact - I played the snare drum in high school {while wearing my cheerleading uniform during football games!}

V - Vegetables - Sweet Potatoes

W - What makes me run late - Everything, I can't seem to get anywhere on time :0(

X - X-rays - My teeth, ankle, chest, elbow and my tongue - Don't ask!

Y - Yummiest food - Cupcakes!

Z - Zoo animal - I love seeing the monkeys and polar bears; but my favorite animal is a dolphin!

There you have it! Now you know a little more about me!!

Link up and join the fun!!

On a side note - don't forget to check out my giveaway, it ends Monday at 12:01 am. So hurry up and enter! Click here to go to it!

My friend, Kathy, is having a giveaway also. Check her out at Kathy's Coordinated Class and enter to win $20 to use at Teachers Pay Teachers!! I know I have several things on my wish list at TpT.

I am so excited that the Olympic events begin tomorrow! I can't wait to watch gymnastics {I was a gymnast as a kid} and diving! Which sport do you like to watch?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Take Home Folders and a Give-Away


I can't believe that I have 100+ followers!

I promised a giveaway so here it is:

Using rafflecopter, I will pick TWO winners!!

That's right I said TWO!

One winner will win a $10 Target gift card! {Who couldn't use a little extra money to spend at Back-to-School time!?!}

The second winner will win both Ginger Snaps Back-to-School Super Pack

and my Wild About Learning Take Home Folder Covers!

Thank you to Ginger for donating this item for my give-away. Check her out here on her blog and here at her TpT store.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out my Wild About Learning Take Home Folders at my TpT store! It comes with 20 different pages! 10 girl pages and 10 boy pages for a total of 20! If you have 20 or less students, you will have a different folder cover for each student! Two ways to use them:
1. copy, glue onto two pocket folders, and laminate!
2. slip into a 1 in. or larger 3 ring binder!


Hope you like this new product!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway! A winner will be selected Monday, July 30!

Good Luck!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Newbie Blog Hoppin'

Janis at Grade 3 Is The Place For Me is hosting her very first linky party! And since I just love me a good "party", I thought I would join in on the fun! This linky party is for newbies - like myself - to introduce ourselves and our blog {and hopefully gain a few more followers in the process}.

1. what state you are in I am in North Carolina {i am NOT native though}
2. your current teaching position Grade 3
3. your teaching experience I have taught 4th, K, and 3rd {in that order} over the course of 7 or so years
4. when you started blogging I began in April '12
5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource For newbies out there - be sure to leave comments and link up to blog hops to gain more followers. Also, check out Ladybug Teacher Files for great tutorials.

There you have it!

Be sure to visit Janis and link up!

Oh and don't forget to follow! -->
I hit 100 followers so stayed tuned for a give-away!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fabulous Find Friday Linky

I am back from an extended vacay - Disney with the family then straight to Missouri for a Whole Brain Teaching Conference! I still feel like I am on a high from all the great times I had at both.

Now that I am back, the first post I wanted to write was about my great finds, so I am linking up with Elizabeth at Fun in 4B for her Fabulous Find Friday Linky.

The first find I have to share is this little cutie:
I found this at Disney World's Epcot in the gift shop exiting Mission Space. I immediately knew what I wanted to use him for in my classroom. I plan on utilizing a Morning Meeting routine inspired by Stephanie at 3rd Grade Thoughts. Darth will become our "talking ball". The person holding the ball is the only one allowed to shared. Go to Stephanie's page to read more about the "talking ball" and many more ideas on Morning Meetings.

Next up is my Target Dollar Spot finds:
I love the lined dry erase boards that were only $1 each. I picked up a class set. On the top right is the lined sentence strip sized dry erase boards. They come in a pack of 4 for, you guessed it, $1. This will also be great for each student to write on - an easy formative assessment tool.
The "M" I plan to cover in scrap book paper for a fun decorative piece in my room. (maybe I'll get that done for "Made-it Monday")
Finally, I love the mini-Tin bucket with a chalk star for labeling. I have NO idea what I will use this for but I loved it so much, I put 4 in my buggie!

For my home, I found this cork board in the dollar spot, so I picked up two to use either on the inside of a cabinet or in my mudroom.

And lastly, this was my BIG purchase:

I have driven the mom "soccer" van for several years, and I couldn't wait for my youngest to begin Kindergarten so that I could move on to an SUV. The kids think it is "beast". And I am enjoying it soooo much!

That is it for today!! Stay tuned for more information on my wonderful WBT days in Missouri!
Also, I am so close to 100 followers and will be having a giveaway as soon as I hit triple digits, so go ahead --> follow!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Made-It

I am linking up for Tara's Monday Made-It over at 4th Grade Frolics for the first time! I have two items to show off share this week:

This is a Pinterest inspired wreath.

I thought it would be so neat to make my own and hang outside my classroom door. The colors I am using in my room this year are green and brown, with hints of yellow and blue. (classroom pics coming up soon)

I hopped on over to Michaels to pick up the supplies:
1 - 12 in straw wreath
1 - wooden "M" letter
assortment of fabrics (some were scraps that they gave me for 50 cents)

Now on to the making of the wreath. The only two things I needed to assemble the wreath were a pair of scissors and a hot glue gun. I cut the fabric into strips long enough to go around the wreath and tie into a knot. I continued this until the wreath was covered entirely. I had enough ribbon left over to create a loop for hanging. I attached the loop in the back with my hot glue gun. I added the wooden letter using some coordinating ribbon I already had and again used some hot glue to keep the letter and ribbon steady. Super easy!

On to the next project:

Project number two was to make homemade lotion. My mom makes it all the time for me and I love it! So I decided to give it a try myself.

The lotion only requires 3 "ingredients":
Large bottle of baby lotion
Medium jar of patrolium jelly
Small bottle of vitamin E oil

Dump all of the above into a bowl and use a hand mixer to blend together.

Divide up the lotion into sealed containers.


This has been the best lotion I have ever used! My skin stays so smooth and hydrated! (it smells good too - like a baby's butt - lol) I don't think I could ever go back to store bought lotions again!

Now off to finish packing for the big family vacation! We've been counting down for three weeks now! My five year old changes our "count down" numer every day on our daily schedule chalk board. It has been a great way for her to practice counting backwards and number writing in preparation for kindergarten.

This will be no wind-in-my-hair, sand-between-my-toes vacay. Rather it will be the melting ice cream, crying and tantrums (from me), laughing and smiling, princesses, fast rides, amazing fireworks, long lines, heat stroke kind of vacation. But we will be sure to love every minute of it and all the memories that will be made!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fashion Friday

Here is a simple outfit I threw together this week. I love the anchor tee I found at J.Crew a few weeks ago. It looked great paired with the stripe shorts. I just bought the shoes this week from Old Navy on sale. They are so cute and comfortable!

I know that J. Crew is not in everyone's budget. Here are some tips I have though if you would like to shop without breaking the bank.

1. I rarely buy anything from J. Crew full price - why? - they offer an educators discount on everything! My local store doesn't even ask for my i.d. although carrying it with you is a good idea. Unlike other stores that offer a teacher discount, you can use it on full price, sale, clearance, and at the outlet stores.

2. They run sales a lot. For example, I love the pencils skirts. I have yet to pay full price for one. They will run specials sometimes or I just wait until they go on sale. I usually get a pencil skirt for under $50 when the full retail price is $150. That is quite a savings. I can really mix and match the skirts too - even the crazy bright ones. Also it is easy to find your size. Even when items go one sale, I usually don't have trouble finding my size. The sales associates will help me track one down if I can't find my size and get it mailed directly to me.

3. You can opt to open a credit card and save a percentage on your first purchase using the card. This could be a great option if you want to splurge and get a few new things for the beginning of the school year. (Think "sales tax free" days offered in some states, plus teacher discount, plus credit card discount - see it doesn't seem so impossible anymore).

4. Shop the J. Crew Factory store right from home! You can access the Factory store on the internet - although it isn't as much fun and offers a little less then the actual outlet stores.

5. Check out ebay! I have seen some great pencils skirts, jewelry and more on ebay. In fact my yellow bubble necklace seen here was a steal on ebay! It retails for $150 on, but I scored it on ebay for under $15 with free shipping!!

There you have it! I hope this might help if you have been wanting to try out something from J.Crew. I love the fit, stylish colors and patterns, and the over all deals I can find. Happy shopping!