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Friday, July 20, 2012

Fabulous Find Friday Linky

I am back from an extended vacay - Disney with the family then straight to Missouri for a Whole Brain Teaching Conference! I still feel like I am on a high from all the great times I had at both.

Now that I am back, the first post I wanted to write was about my great finds, so I am linking up with Elizabeth at Fun in 4B for her Fabulous Find Friday Linky.

The first find I have to share is this little cutie:
I found this at Disney World's Epcot in the gift shop exiting Mission Space. I immediately knew what I wanted to use him for in my classroom. I plan on utilizing a Morning Meeting routine inspired by Stephanie at 3rd Grade Thoughts. Darth will become our "talking ball". The person holding the ball is the only one allowed to shared. Go to Stephanie's page to read more about the "talking ball" and many more ideas on Morning Meetings.

Next up is my Target Dollar Spot finds:
I love the lined dry erase boards that were only $1 each. I picked up a class set. On the top right is the lined sentence strip sized dry erase boards. They come in a pack of 4 for, you guessed it, $1. This will also be great for each student to write on - an easy formative assessment tool.
The "M" I plan to cover in scrap book paper for a fun decorative piece in my room. (maybe I'll get that done for "Made-it Monday")
Finally, I love the mini-Tin bucket with a chalk star for labeling. I have NO idea what I will use this for but I loved it so much, I put 4 in my buggie!

For my home, I found this cork board in the dollar spot, so I picked up two to use either on the inside of a cabinet or in my mudroom.

And lastly, this was my BIG purchase:

I have driven the mom "soccer" van for several years, and I couldn't wait for my youngest to begin Kindergarten so that I could move on to an SUV. The kids think it is "beast". And I am enjoying it soooo much!

That is it for today!! Stay tuned for more information on my wonderful WBT days in Missouri!
Also, I am so close to 100 followers and will be having a giveaway as soon as I hit triple digits, so go ahead --> follow!


  1. I'm in Missouri!! What is the occasion here!? Love the cork-board!

  2. Awesome finds...I'm on my way to Target right NOW!!!

    Newest Follower,
    Lanier's Kindergarten Lions

  3. AHHH I just came back from Target today and I did not see those cute corkboards... You have now given me a mission! Congrats on the new car, I got my first new car a few months ago!!
    BakingCraftingTeaching Oh My

  4. I can't wait to read about what you learned at the WBT conference! Thanks for linking up. That little Darth guy is awesome. And your new

  5. I am your 100th follower. Cool!
    An Open Door

  6. I bought that same cork board! I'm planning to use mine at school, somehow... Congratulations on your BIG purchase! I'm jealous! :)

    Miss R's Room

  7. I'm a lot jealous of that cork board. Didn't see that in my Target dollar spot! I found you through the linky party and am a new follower. So happy to find another 3rd grade teacher!


    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  8. Wooooo fancy new vehicle! I miss driving trucks and SUVS. I LOVE my car, and love my gas mileage... but there is just something awesome about riding up high in a large truck! Congrats!!

    Reaching for the TOP!

  9. Wow Angie, I want to go shopping with YOU! I love your blog:) I just nominated you for the Leibster Blog Award. Come see me at to accept. Also, I would love to have you as a follower, I am working on my very first giveaway!:)


  10. Wow Angie, that is one nice, big purchase, congratulations! I wanted to let you know that I just presented you with an award, check out my blog to pick it up.

    Love to Learn

  11. Angie,
    Hi! Just found your cute blog - Love the title. I also teach in NC. I teach first grade in Lexington, NC (northern davidson county). I added you to my NC blog list. I am also having a giveaway if you'd like to stop by.

