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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whole Brain Teaching

This is such an amazing video!  I could watch it over and over.  I use several of the Whole Brain Teaching techniques in my classroom.  I learned a few more from seeing this teacher in action and will be trying more over the weeks.  My kiddos love to turn and teach their partner.  I have been using the "clap-clap teach/clap-clap okay" for two years now. We also love to "blow" our answers into our hands and "release."  If you want to learn more google "Whole Brain Teaching" for more videos.



  1. This video is one of the main reasons I've asked to be moved down to second grade. It's THAT good! I love the idea of whole brain teaching and can't wait to learn more about it. I've looked for books. Do you recommend any?

    Fun in Room 4B

  2. This is one of my fav videos too! Whole Brain Teaching is something I believe in! I LOVE your blog and its name! I'm your newest follower, and I'm grabbing your button on my way out!

    Bloggy Blessings,

    The Teacher's Chatterbox!
