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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Data Boards

YEAH!!! We are finished with round 1 of state testing! The dreaded "week" is finally over! Testing makes for long days and they become even longer when the sun is hidden behind rain clouds. Luckily by the end of the week we had nice weather for afternoon, after-test outdoor recess time.

I wanted to share what my grade level has created to display and organize data. As a third grade team, we have been keeping classroom data on a data board we created out of a science fair board. On this board, we keep data for our aimsweb scores, monthly fluency checks, Inview scores (IQ), and our end of reading theme/ end of unit math test scores. This has been helpful in making decisions on RTI, parent conferences, small group (intervention) planning...

Each third grade teacher was assigned a number 1-5. We display data using our "teacher number" and use our classroom student assigned numbers to keep everything anonymous. Only we know who is who.

We are very proud of how it turned out and the growth we have seen in our kiddos this year. Next year, I hope to take it a step further and have a class board that the kids help take ownership of so that they can make personal goals based on their scores.

I would love for you to leave a comment below. What would you include on the board?

Boy am I looking forward to getting back into our regular routine this week! And No TESTing (at least this week - retakes will be the following week)!


  1. I like this! I'll have to pin it for next year. I know how that feels to be finished with testing! This is our last week of school, and I'm so ready for summer. Have a great rest of the school year!

    Waving from The Chatterbox,

  2. Your name is fabulous . . . great choice (it got me to click)! I am excited to follow you. Pop in if you find a moment.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  3. Hey girl! I love your blog name! I'm now following ;)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

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