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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Valentine's Day DIY

Valentine's Day DIY

Teachers, Moms

Here is a great DIY for Valentine's Day.

My daughter and I have been doing this for a few years and it has been a big hit and a fun project that we look forward to working on together each year!

I really get tired of all the candy and the little cards that just get tossed aside. This is a gift that is usable and won't create a sugar spike in the kiddos!

Before you begin, you will need a few supplies. The first one is a little bit of an investment, but can be used year after year.
Head to Amazon and purchase a Wilton Heart Mold.

While you are on Amazon, you will need to purchase these 3x4 inch bags as well.

Okay, so now you are ready!

Step 1:

If you are a mom, find your child's old stubby crayons. You know the ones, the broken, gross looking ones. If your house is anything like mine, I'm sure they won't be hard to find!

Teachers, you can just find all those stubby, broken, used crayons at school.

Step 2:

This is where children come in handy. Peel off any remaining paper that might still be left wrapped around the crayons. I usually let my daughter do this dirty task.

Step 3:

Break or cut the crayons into tiny pieces.

Step 4:

Place tiny pieces together in heart molds. Be sure to fill the mold up all the way to the top so that it is practically overflowing.

Step 5:

Bake at 230 degrees for 15 minutes.

Step 6:

Cool, then pop out.

Step 7:

Place crayon(s) in the ziplock bags and attach a tag using a stapler.

There are many tags out there on Pinterest. My favorite is this one by Cherished Bliss:

It is free to print and comes in both girl and boy colors. If you have card stock, print it on that for added durability, or do as I do and print it on plain copy paper.

This project is not only great for Valentine's Day, but could be used as Christmas gifts with this mold as well!

It would also be fun as a science experiment or craft at school, camps, VBS, etc. Use a mini muffin tin for those occasions:

My kids and I created a fun tutorial that you can find on my Facebook page - Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls - if you'd like more information.

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