
About Me

About Me

Monday, January 9, 2017

Hello friends!!!

I am back!!! I took a few years off from blogging and sooooooo much has happened during my hiatus.

My last post says I was packing up and moving to New England, which did happen.
We lived in Massachusetts and I taught in Rhode Island at a charter school for two years. I absolutely loved it!
It was so different from anything I had ever done in my teaching career and I learned so much from
my experience and made incredible friends to boot. I was so busy though, that my creative juices just kinda
came to a halt. The charter school experience was hard core and time consuming, but oh so rewarding!

Then, my family got the opportunity to move back South just an hour from our hometown. We couldn't
pass up the opportunity, so for the past year and a half we've been in the suburbs of Nashville, TN.

It's been 17 years since my husband and I have lived this close to family, so it has been a breath of fresh air!

This school year (2016/2017) has been a first for me!
I am teaching MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!
I never in a million years thought I'd be a middle school teacher.
I mean James Patterson even wrote a book about middle school...
and right there in the title it says "worst years of my life" !!!!!!

Let me go back to the charter school experience I mentioned above.
I was hired there as a 3rd grade ELA teacher. At that particular charter school, we taught with co-teachers.
Everyday, all day, I had a co-teacher in the room with me!!!! (Feeling my happy feet a-dancing?!)
We taught 3 classes of 3rd grade ELA per day for 90 minute blocks. And it didn't even include writing; someone else taught the
writing portion.

So, now I am teaching 6th grade ELA. And let me tell you - I love it!!!!
It has been one of the best years I have ever had!!
The kids are great, I love the curriculum, and my school/colleagues are amazing.

Well, friends, it feels so good to be back.
I really look forward to bringing you more tips and tricks, more teachers-pay-teachers items, and more ideas to help you through tough days at school and home.

Spread the word that I am back and please follow me on Facebook.

I will bring you live videos, product suggestions, pictures and posts there as well.

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