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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blogger Meetup and Currently

Better late than is after all Aug. 6th.

I am linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her August Currently.

So here it is:

I guess I better explain the "new stupid laminator" part. Take notice I said "new" - that implies that I have one and need another.

Yep! I do {or did} have a brand spanking new laminator. But after only being out of the box for approximately 20 minutes, it is now in the trash can.

That's right folks - I said TRASH CAN!!!

I should have read rule number 3 in the directions and then read it again and then highlighted it before reading it yet another time!

It says - well I can't quote it exactly because I was so mad that I shredded the directions - do not leave children unsupervised around the machine!

So that precious beast child I mentioned early in the Currently tried to laminate something while I was gathering more items to have fun with laminate! She not only had the laminating sleeve inside out, it was fed into the machine - gasp - open end first {I did read that rule}.

Needless to say, the whole thing got stuck and the release handle DID NOT help. Now melted lamination is wrapped around the rollers and the thing makes terrible noises and once my husband jimmied the thing open it does not function any more...

cue sobbing!!

Now I will HAVE to buy another! I loved that thing - even though it only lived a short life!

Lesson here - ALWAYS read directions thoroughly!!! {And watch your children carefully}

I did not actually leave a 5 year old alone with the laminator. We had worked together on several pages, and when I was sure she had it down (or so I thought) I let her try one on her own. I happened to be looking down at my lap full of pages to see which would be next up and when I looked up as she was placing the film into the machine. It was too late to grab it before it started automatically feeding into the machine. Oh well...

On to a happy note! I had a great time at the Charlotte blogger meet up!

It is so much fun meeting your idols fellow bloggers! We chatted about the Common Core, children {our own}, our classrooms, our favorite blogs - just about everything that long time new teacher friends talk about!
These lady were awesome with a capital A! Thanks Amber and Elisabeth for organizing the meet up.

Check out all these ladies on their blogs:




And Rebecca

well, you'll have to wait for her to start a Principal's Blog :D

That's all for today folks! Hope tomorrow {and laminator number 2} are better!


  1. I had to comment on this!! That is totally something my 5 year old would do. They want to be like Mommy so much! My laminator is on its way from amazon right now and I will have to be extra careful. Thank you for posting!
    Check out my giveaway if you get a chance:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  2. You will ABSOLUTELY love it! Just don't let ANYone {especially under the age of 6} around it! LOL! Oh well it is totally worth spending money on it - again!

  3. Oh dear!!! That's really a bummer... but there might be hope! Is it a Scotch laminator? If so, I just read on someone's blog that they have great tech support and they sent her a new one after she fed one of the pockets in wrong and got it stuck... maybe it's worth contacting them? My brand new laminator is still sitting in it's box! I bought it today and am afraid of using it for this exact reason :) Good luck!

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. Thanks for the 411 - and get it OUT of the box! Right now! It is G.R.E.A.T!! You'll love it! It really is easy to use {just not for a 5 year old}.

  5. So sorry to hear about your new laminator's death (May he rest in peace at the junk yard!) Just read your "currently" post and loved the fact that you are watching gymnastics with your kiddo (Just watch him really closely now, he might try to try a few new tricks he saw on tv :)

    Your newest follower,
    Miss Milton's Memoirs

  6. Is there any chance that you would consider adding a "Follow by Email" widget to your blog? I LOVE reading your posts!!!

    1. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! I added it and now you can follow! Thanks for reading!!

      Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls

  7. OMG! I can't belive what happened to your laminator!!! I will have to admit I did chuckle though :) Thanks for a great meet up, can't wait till Columbia! I told Amber we would at least know you and Kathy!

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  8. You are so lucky to have your five year old snuggle and watch gymnastics together!
