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Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Task List and Blogger Meet-Up

I was so excited to see the announcement of a Carolina Blogger meet-up in Charlotte on Amber's blog this morning at Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher. I can't wait to meet some local, talented bloggers! If you are a Carolina blogger or reader, check out Amber's blog for more information.

On another note, today is my first official summer break day. Last week was teacher worker days and a quick family trip to the beach! My kids had so much fun soaking up the sun and surf!

So now I sit here updating my blog since it has been awhile since my last post. I was inspired by Abby at The Inspired Apple to begin a daily check list of projects/things I want to accomplish so that the days don't get away from me, and so that I don't get overwhelmed by the massive list I have in my brain of all the things that need to get done.

Today, I pulled out this chalkboard I bought awhile back from Pottery Barn Kids. I made my list for the things that can be accomplished today. Each day I will update the list with new tasks that I want to work on. My daughter even started a countdown in the corner for our next family vacation.

Now off to work on my list (now that the day is already 1/2 over)!! And cross off the last task...


  1. I am so excited you are going to meet up with Amber and I!!! I'm your newest follower :)

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  2. Hey, I strolled on over to check our your blog! Are you SO jazzed to be done with school for a little while? Good for you with the list...I am SO not that motivated.

    Heather">Peacocks and Penguins - 4th Grade
